Latest Past Events

Baby & Me Yoga

Babies in Bloom 127 Main Street, Vista

Newborns to crawling (6 weeks - 9 months) – This class covers a wide range of poses for all and most importantly, an opportunity for a deeper bonding experience between caregiver and child. Anything goes in this class, so please feel welcomed and know you can feed, change, bounce, sit, or do whatever supports you […]


Toddler Storytime Yoga

Babies in Bloom 127 Main Street, Vista

This is the place to be when your little one is on the move and going big places! The class is built around yoga postures, songs, stories, and imagination. In our shared practice, we offer postures and exercises to the littles and allow them to explore at their own pace. They often prefer to learn […]


Baby & Me Yoga

Babies in Bloom 127 Main Street, Vista

Newborns to crawling (6 weeks - 9 months) – This class covers a wide range of poses for all and most importantly, an opportunity for a deeper bonding experience between caregiver and child. Anything goes in this class, so please feel welcomed and know you can feed, change, bounce, sit, or do whatever supports you […]
